Single-taxon indicator (rbms)

This documents outlines how a single-taxon indicator (Aglais urticae on farms in Finland) can be calculated in R using the RBMS method.

Load packages

The following packages are required. All packages are available on CRAN apart from {fbi} and {rbms} which can be installed from GitHub.


Survey data

These five fields are required for the survey data.

select <- c("document_id", "location_id", "year", "month", "day")

These filters restrict the survey data to the “Butterflies in Finnish agricultural landscapes” dataset with the selected data fields have no missing data.

filter <- list(
  collection = "Butterflies in Finnish agricultural landscapes",
  has_value = select

The survey data can now downloaded from FinBIF.

surveys <- finbif_occurrence(
  filter = filter,
  select = select,
  aggregate = "events",
  aggregate_counts = FALSE,
  n = "all",
  quiet = TRUE

A single processing function is applied to the survey data to convert the year month and day fields into a single date field.

surveys <- format_date(surveys)

Count data

Count data requires three fields to be selected: the survey identifier (document_id) the survey site section (section) and the measure of abundance (abundance_interpreted).

select <- c("document_id", "section", abundance = "abundance_interpreted")

The count data requires the same filters as the survey data (though the filter has_value needs to be redefined).

filter[["has_value"]] <- select

The count data for Aglais urticae (Small tortoiseshell) can now be downloaded from FinBIF.

counts <- finbif_occurrence(
  taxa = "Aglais urticae",
  filter = filter,
  select = select ,
  n = "all",
  quiet = TRUE

Two processing functions are applied to the count data to: sum the counts over the survey site sections; and combine the count and survey data together.

counts <- sum_over_sections(counts, surveys)

counts <- combine_with_surveys(counts, surveys)

Fit RBMS Model

An RBMS model is used to estimate the change in abundance over time (see RBMS documentation for details) with uncertainty estimated via bootstrapping.

StartMonth <- 4
EndMonth <- 9
StartDay <- 1
EndDay <- 30
Anchor <- TRUE
AnchorLength <- 14
AnchorLag <- 14
AnchorTimeUnit <- "d"
NbrSample <- 500
MinVisit <- 5
MinOccur <- 2
MinNbrSite <- 5
MaxTrial <- 4
GamFamily <- "nb"
FlightCurveTimeUnit <- "w"
MultiVisit <- "mean"
MinFC <- 0.10
boot_n <- 200

surveys <- select(surveys, site_id = location_id, year, date)

init_year <- min(surveys[["year"]])

last_year <- max(surveys[["year"]])

nyears <- last_year - init_year + 1

ts_date <- ts_dwmy_table(InitYear = init_year, LastYear = last_year)

ts_season <- ts_monit_season(
  d_series     = ts_date,
  StartMonth   = StartMonth,
  EndMonth     = EndMonth,
  StartDay     = StartDay,
  EndDay       = EndDay,
  Anchor       = Anchor,
  AnchorLength = AnchorLength,
  AnchorLag    = AnchorLag,
  TimeUnit     = AnchorTimeUnit

ts_season_visit <- ts_monit_site(m_visit = surveys, ts_season = ts_season)

counts <- mutate(counts, species = 1)

counts <- select(
  counts, count = abundance, site_id = location_id, year, date, species

ts_season_count <- ts_monit_count_site(
  m_season_visit = ts_season_visit, m_count = counts

ts_flight_curve <- flight_curve(
  ts_season_count = ts_season_count,
  NbrSample       = NbrSample,
  MinVisit        = MinVisit,
  MinOccur        = MinOccur,
  MinNbrSite      = MinNbrSite,
  MaxTrial        = MaxTrial,
  GamFamily       = GamFamily,
  SpeedGam        = FALSE,
  TimeUnit        = FlightCurveTimeUnit,
  MultiVisit      = MultiVisit,
  verbose         = FALSE

impt_counts <- impute_count(
  ts_season_count = ts_season_count,
  ts_flight_curve = ts_flight_curve[["pheno"]],
  TimeUnit        = FlightCurveTimeUnit,
  MultiVisit      = MultiVisit

sindex <- site_index(butterfly_count = impt_counts, MinFC = MinFC)

bootsample <- boot_sample(data = sindex, boot_n = boot_n)

index_mc <- mapply(
  bootID = seq_len(boot_n),
  MoreArgs = list(data = sindex, s_sp = 1, boot_ind = bootsample),

Create Index

An index of change in relative abundance with uncertainty derived from the bootstrapped estimates can be created by setting the base year to the year 2000.

base <- which(sort(unique(surveys[["year"]])) == 2000)

index_mc <- lapply(index_mc, getElement, "col_index")

index_mc <-, index_mc)

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mc = log(pmax(1 / 100, COL_INDEX)), time = M_YEAR)

index_mc <- group_by(index_mc, BOOTi)

index_mc <- arrange(index_mc, time)

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mcf = lead(mc) - mc)

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mcf = lead(mcf, base - 1))

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mcf = lag(mcf, base, 0))

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mcf = cumsum(mcf))

index_mc <- arrange(index_mc, -time)

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mcb = lead(mc) - mc)

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mcb = lead(mcb, nyears - base))

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mcb = lag(mcb, nyears - base + 1, 0))

index_mc <- mutate(index_mc, mcb = cumsum(mcb))

index_mc <- group_by(index_mc, time)

index <- summarise(
  mean = exp(mean(mcf)) * exp(mean(mcb)),
  sd = sd(mcf) * exp(mean(mcf)) + sd(mcb) * exp(mean(mcb))

index <- mutate(index, lower = mean - sd, upper = mean + sd)
ggplot(index) +
aes(x = parse_date_time(time, "Y"), y = mean, ymin = lower, ymax = upper) +
geom_ribbon(alpha = .2) +
geom_line() +
ylab(NULL) +
xlab(NULL) +
Relative abundance of Small tortoiseshell on Farms in Finland (calculated using RBMS)
Relative abundance of Small tortoiseshell on Farms in Finland (calculated using RBMS)